Segelclub Alpsee-Immenstadt e.V.

Adrese : Lindauer Straße 44
Pilsēta : Immenstadt
Postcode : 87509
Valsts : Germany
Web :
Epasts :
Phone : 08323/3373
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Segelclub Alpsee-Immenstadt e.V..

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Kluba nosaukums Segelclub Alpsee-Immenstadt e.V.
Asociētais klubs Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V.
Pilvarotie pārstāvji Philipp Kyewski
Izpildkomitejas locekļi Alexander Altmann, Michael Stork, Dr. Philipp Scholz, Alois Seltmann, Moritz Kliem, Simon Hirscher
Registration Court Kempten
Registration Number 407
VAT Identification Number 127/110/70042
Responsible for the content as per section 55(2) Rundfunkstaatsvertrag Philipp Kyewski
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