Regionalverband Bodensee/Rhein

Adrese : Schilfweg 6e
Pilsēta : Egnach
Postcode : 9322
Valsts : Switzerland
Web :
Epasts :
Phone : 079 413 07 19
Fakss :
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Regionalverband Bodensee/Rhein.

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Kluba nosaukums Regionalverband Bodensee/Rhein
Asociētais klubs Swiss Sailing Federation
Pilvarotie pārstāvji Theo Naef (Präsident) Schilfweg 6e 9322 Egnach
Izpildkomitejas locekļi Julian Flessati (Kasse) Marco Keller (Junioren) Livia Naef (Kommunikation) Lili Baumer (Events) Luana Olbrecht (Umwelt) Daniel Helbling (Ausbildung)
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