Yacht Club Rapperswil

Address : Postfach
City : Rapperswil-Jona
Postcode : 8640
Country : Switzerland
Web : www.ycr.ch
Email : praesident@ycr.ch
Phone : +41 79 355 67 12
2024 13. 04 1. Clubregatta YCR Ansegeln
2024 10. 05 - 11. 05 Esse – Cup 2024 “20 Jahre esse 850”
2024 19. 05 - 20. 05 Internationale Pfingstregatta YCR
2024 25. 05 - 26. 05 Internationale Frühlingsregatta YCR
2024 08. 06 2. Clubregatta YCR
2024 06. 07 3. Clubregatta YCR
2024 07. 09 4. Clubregatta YCR Copin-Cup
2024 12. 10 5. Clubregatta YCR SCPF Absegeln
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on manage2sail.com by Yacht Club Rapperswil.

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Yacht Club Rapperswil
Associated Club Swiss Sailing Federation
Authorized Representatives https://www.ycr.ch/index.php/vorstand/
Executive Committee Members https://www.ycr.ch/index.php/vorstand/
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