Swiss Windsurfing

Address : Im Föhret 5
City : Bergdietikon
Postcode : 8962
Country : Switzerland
Web :
Email :
Phone : +41787552885
2024 29. 03 - 31. 03 Hyères 2024
2024 27. 04 - 28. 04 Cremia 2024
2024 25. 05 - 26. 05 Surfclassic Murten 2024
2024 08. 06 - 09. 06 St. Blaise 2024
2024 29. 06 - 30. 06 Walensee 2024
2024 30. 08 - 02. 09 SM Windsurf 2024
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Swiss Windsurfing.

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Swiss Windsurfing
Associated Club Swiss Sailing Federation
Authorized Representatives Raoul Marty (Präsident) Richard Stauffacher
Executive Committee Members Ruedi Brodowski Marion Froidevaux
© 2013 ST Software s.r.o. (Version: 1.0.1039.0)