Royal Yacht Club van België

Address : Thonetlaan 133
City : Antwerpen
Postcode : 2050
Country : Belgium
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Phone : +32 3 303 75 50
Fax :
2024 04. 02 Zomerzucht 2024
2024 09. 03 - 10. 03 Antwerp Sustainability Cup 2024 - Powered by BE-Networks
2024 06. 04 - 07. 04 Optispring 2024
2024 20. 04 - 21. 04 Royal Spring Cup 2024
2024 04. 05 Antwerp Challenge 2024-1
2024 08. 05 Antwerp Challenge 2024-2
2024 08. 05 - 11. 09 Vezega Midweek 2024
2024 08. 05 Vezega Midweek 8/5/2024
2024 15. 05 Vezega Midweek 15/5/2024
2024 24. 05 Antwerp Challenge 2024-3
2024 01. 06 Antwerp Challenge 2024-4
2024 15. 06 - 16. 06 Sprot Cup 2024
2024 22. 06 SCHELDEREGATTA 2024
2024 25. 06 Antwerp Challenge 2024-5
2024 15. 08 - 18. 08 Open Belgian Championship Finn 2024
2024 17. 08 - 18. 08 52th Benelux Championship 2024
2024 03. 09 Antwerp Challenge 2024-6
2024 19. 09 Antwerp Challenge 2024-7
2024 21. 09 - 22. 09 CHAMPIONSHIPS REGATTA 2024
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Royal Yacht Club van België.

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Royal Yacht Club van België
Associated Club Belgian Sailing
VAT Identification Number BE0408.679.212
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