Segelclub Kollerskipper e.V.

Address : Postfach 1302 1302
City : Brühl
Postcode : 68778
Country : Germany
Web :
Email :
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Segelclub Kollerskipper e.V..

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Segelclub Kollerskipper e.V.
Associated Club Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V.
Authorized Representatives Roland Sawicki
Executive Committee Members Roland Sawicki 1. Vorsitzender Rainer Ullrich 2. Vorsitzender Florian Grad Schatzmeister Beate Bikowski Schriftführerin
© 2013 ST Software s.r.o. (Version: 1.0.1044.0)