Yachtclub Possenhofen e.V.

Address : Seeweg 6
City : Pöcking
Postcode : 82343
Country : Germany
Web : www.ycp.de
Email : info@ycp.de
Phone : +49 8157 8056
Fax : +49 8157 8189
2024 27-04 - 28-04 Osterpokal-Maibaum
2024 01-06 - 02-06 Bayerischer Löwe
2024 22-06 Possenhofener Langstrecke
2024 13-07 Clubregatta - intern
2024 20-07 Legno Vagante Preis
2024 07-09 Sissi Cup
2024 14-09 - 15-09 Vera Cruz Preis
2024 28-09 - 29-09 Drachenfinale
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on manage2sail.com by Yachtclub Possenhofen e.V..

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Yachtclub Possenhofen e.V.
Associated Club Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V.
Authorized Representatives 1. Vorsitzender Anton Richter c/o Yachtclub Possemhofen e.V. Seeweg 6, 82343 Pöcking-Possenhofen, Tel.: +49 (8157) 8056, Fax: +49 (8157) 8189, e-mail: info@ycp.de
Registration Court Amtsgericht München
Registration Number VR 70513
VAT Identification Number 117/111/70008
Responsible for the content as per section 55(2) Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 1. Vorsitzender Anton Richter c/o Yachtclub Possenhofen e.V. Seeweg 6, 82343 Pöcking-Possenhofen
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