Horsens Sejlklub

Address : Nordøstpassagen 27
City : Horsens
Postcode : 8700
Country : Denmark
Web :
Email :
Phone : +45 40929195
2024 13-04 - 14-04 Tune Up Jollestævne 2024
2024 24-08 Pantaenius Endelave Rundt 2024 - se resultater under "dokumenter"
2024 07-09 - 08-09 VIVA og Pantaenius Ranglistestævne for OK-joller
2024 14-09 - 15-09 Dansk Sejlunions Ungdoms DM
2024 29-09 Pantaenius Trekost 2-Star 2024
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Horsens Sejlklub.

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Horsens Sejlklub
Associated Club Dansk Sejlunion
VAT Identification Number 18466244
© 2013 ST Software s.r.o. (Version: 1.0.1045.0)